Lemon Water

I have always loved drinking water. I’ve never been a big fan for sugary cokes or tea. However, I know that for most people drinking regular H2O isn’t all that simple.

According to studies 75% of American’s are chronically dehydrated – yikes!

Dehydration does a lot more harm to your body than you think. It can cause digestive disorders, fatigue, asthma, allergies, joint stiffness, and high cholesterol.

Anyways, let’s talk about lemon water and why you need to start drinking it NOW!

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You should drink warm lemon water every single morning! I add water to my electronic kettle every night before I go to bed. After I shower I head over to the kitchen to boil my water. Now, I am pretty sensitive to heat so I never fully boil my water.

While I am waiting for the water to get to the desired temperature I cut up my lemon.  I normally squeeze half of a lemon into my cup. I also recommend using a straw, because having all that acid directly on your teeth every morning can wear on your enamel.

To add even more benefits to your drink add 1/8 tsp. of organic cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper will heat up your body and increase your metabolism. It’s a great and SAFE way to get rid of toxins and lose weight.

My intentional living challenge for the day is to go one full week drinking warm lemon water every morning. I promise you that you will feel and see the difference it makes!

Grab a cute mug and enjoy!

– Pinions and Lace